Weekly Email 21: Heaven on EarthNote : To respect the privacy of those involved the names of the investigators (amis) have been changed. Ia orana tatou! It’s been...
Weekly Email 20: Cow Heart and Baby SharksStartFragment Note: To respect the privacy of those involved the names of the investigators (amis) have been changed. Happy New Year...
Weekly Email 19: Zombie CatNote: To respect the privacy of those involved the names of the investigators (amis) have been changed. Merry Christmas everyone! Joyeux...
Weekly Email 18: Cutting Pineapple with Steak KnivesNote: To respect the privacy of those involved the names of the investigators (amis) have been changed. Ia orana tatou! So usually...
Weekly Email 17: « I’m excited to tie you up and throw you in the ocean »Note: To respect the privacy of those involved the names of the investigators (amis) have been changed. Ia orana tatou! It’s been...
Weekly Email 16: IT’S CHRISTNAS TIME (not a typo)Note: To respect the privacy of those involved the names of the investigators (amis) have been changed. Ia orana tatou! What in the...
Weekly Email 15: Food Truck for Thanksgiving DinnerNote: To respect the privacy of those involved the names of the investigators (amis) have been changed. EndFragment Ia orana tatou! How...
Weekly Email 14: Eating Tree While Looking at Human SkullsIa orana tatou! Wow it’s been a crazy week, but it flew by, as usual. That’s what happens when you’re busy! To explain my subject line,...
Weekly Email 13: CRAZINESS!!StartFragment Ia orana tatou! This week has been so crazy where do I even begin!! Transfer news: So my new companion is Soeur Hemsley...
Weekly Email 12: Halloween and HAWAIKI NUINote: To respect the privacy of those involved the names of the investigators (amis) have been changed. Ia orana tatou! I can't believe...