Weekly Email 58: What month is it?StartFragmentIa orana tatou! Oh my goodness time is just flying by! I can't believe it's already the end of September! I don't even know...
Weekly Email 57: The Leper ColonyIa oranaaaa!! Hope you all have had a good week! So Sr Kohl told me that apparently there's a part of our secteur with lepers??? I...
Weekly Email 56: Magical MahinaStartFragment Ia orana tatou! It's been another amazing week here in Mahina!! So for the past 2 transfers before I got here the soeurs of...
Weekly Email 55: Bienvenue à MahinaHey everyone! So the computer I'm writing on hates me and decided to not send any of my emails for the past 30 minutes. So email time is...